DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERISED TRANSACTION PROCESSING AND REPORTING SYSTEM FOR A MOERDERN SUPERMARKET ABSTRACT Every year, new technology is found in which computers is one of them, computers take part in solution of business problems, initially, they were seen as capable of performing calculation, which would be impossible, which came the commercial break through were faster method of input, and output are more developed and it was realized that much clerical, budget could be removed by using a machine to perform routine task. Computer is used in different areas, including the modern shops. Manually, the effective and smooth management of a modern supermarket inventories of stock and daily sales are kept in note books, which is made up those paper or document in which information are kept or stored. Such information include quantity of goods bought, name /part number of goods, price of each item bought (unit price) and the cost of goods bought which is usually its unit price multiplied its quantity. The objective of this project is to design a logic which with the aid of computer system will effectively handles operations which were mentioned above as being normally carried out in modern shop ie computerization of a modern supermarket. ORGANISATION OF WORK This work is organized into chapters, each chapter handles specific subject area explicitly. Chapter one introduces the subject; computerization of TRANSACTION PROCESSING AND REPORTING SYSTEM FOR A MODERN SUPERMARKET, delimitations, hypothesis, assumptions, limitations, and definition of terms. Chapter two gives close look at date processing acts in a modern supermarket, history and what a supermarket will look like when it is computerized. Chapter three has to do with the program design while chapter four takes care of the implementation and chapter five is aimed at summarizing the entire project (work) report. TABLE OF FIGURES Organizational Structure of a modern shop Hypothesis flow diagram Procedure chart System flowchart Program flowchart TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM 1.2 PURPOSE OF STUDY 1.3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY 1.5 LIMITATION 1.6 DEFINITION OF TERMS CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER THREE DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM 3.1 FACT FINDING METHODS USED 3.2 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 3.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM 3.4 INPUT, PROCESS, AND OUTPUT ANALYSIS 3.5 INFORMATION FLOW 3.6 PROBLEMS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM 3.7 JUSTIFICATION OF THE NEW SYSTEM CHAPTER FOUR: DESIGN OF THE NEW SYSTEM 4.1 OUTPUT SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN 4.2 INPUT SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN 4.3 FILE DESIGN 4.4 PROCEDURE CHART 4.5 SYSTEM FLOWCHART 4.6 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER FIVE: IMPLEMENTATION 5.1 PROGRAM DESIGN 5.2 PROGRAM FLOWCHART 5.3 PSEUDOCODES 5.4 SOURCE PROGRAM 5.5 TEST RUN CHAPTER SIX DOCUMETATION 6.1 SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 6.2 PSM DOCUMENTATION 6.3 USER DOCUMENTATION CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 7.1 CONCLUSION 7.2 RECOMMENDATION BIBLOGRAPHY. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION In our modern supermarket today, day-day transaction are run, with adequate reports and feed back on the status of the inventory and account. Transaction processing and report system is always very important to managements of the modern shops. The point of sale of every supermarket handle daily transaction and processing, referencing the stock and taking into consideration the expired of products in the stock, from the point of sale, the account status of the general transaction exercise is ascertained. The daily transaction does not just take place without updating the stock to make sure that no product runs out of stock. The expired data of every product is also tested on daily basis with the generated income all these products report, which is submitted to the management’s decision making. 1.1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The manual method of handling the transaction process and report of any modern shop makes the work very tedious and difficult. It wastes a lot of time an does not always produce very accurate an reliable reports. The system is also very expensive to maintain. The use of manual method causes a lot of people queue up by the cashier’s table waiting. It takes another number of days to make the daily transaction to be update with the stock status. Also the use of manual method delays management decision taking because the reports for the management decision making comes very late and not accurate. 1.2 PURPOSE OF STUDY The major purpose of this study is to critically research into the activities of transaction processing and reporting system of Eastern shop, detecting the problems marring the smooth operation with a view of providing solution to the problems using a computerized system, this system will be more effective, easy to use, cost affection accurate, comprehensive in report generation. 1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES The objectives of this project is to designing a logic which aid of computer system will effectively handle operation, which were being manually carried out in the computerization of a modern shop. Thus, for a supermarket to be computerized, a computer program has to be in place in consideration information that assist the management in decision making, an example of such information is a message on screen like “pleased order for more”, when the quantity on hand or in stock has reached a particular level which will be noted during updating. Also, management needs to know that task of customers, this can be noted form the oftenest of request of the particular stock by customers, which will be noted form the transaction file on how to mange a supermarket. 1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY A supermarket accounting has accounts receivable and accounts payable system. both of these can be computer implementation, receivables are expected payment for sales and services, the computer system records print customs statement, controls credit and records payment and expenditure. Account and record keeping system treated in this work covered basically the use of computer in a modern supermarket for the effective and smooth management of supermarket inventories of stock and daily sales.
ABSTRACT Every year, new technology is found in which computers is one of them, computers take part in solution of business problems, initially, they were seen as capable of performing calculation, which would be impossible, which came the commercial break through were faster method of input, and output are more developed and it was realized that... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Every year, new technology is found in which computers is one of them, computers take part in solution of business problems, initially, they were seen as capable of performing calculation, which would be impossible, which came the commercial break through were faster method of input, and output are more developed and it was realized that... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Every year, new technology is found in which computers is one of them, computers take part in solution of business problems, initially, they were seen as capable of performing calculation,... Continue Reading
Introduction Thousands of banks perform millions of monetary transactions every day and thousands of users follow almost the same banking system. the number of users increases more banks and more staff; are needed it means more money has to be put this system. If advanced computerized based banking system is developed, so there is no need to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT UBN PLC, is a bank which deals with customers account both current, savings, deposit loan etc. The above-mentioned processes and activities are not only time consuming but also stressful when done manually. The complexity and strain processes... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT UBN PLC, is a bank which deals with customers account both current, savings, deposit loan etc. The above-mentioned processes and activities are not only time consuming but also stressful when done manually. The complexity and strain processes involved.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT UBN PLC, is a bank which deals with customers account both current, savings, deposit loan etc. The above-mentioned processes and activities are not only time consuming but also stressful when done manually. The complexity and strain processes involved. The work will give birth to a computerized real time current account transaction... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT UBN PLC, is a bank which deals with customers account both current, savings, deposit loan etc. The above-mentioned processes and activities are not only time consuming but also stressful when done manually. The complexity and strain processes involved. The work will give birth to a computerized real time current account transaction... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project is based on the possible exploration of computer Technology in Today society in market surveying in the daily discharge of duties. This project involves the design and development of computerized market survey report analysist. The design will enable the user to achieve a desirable report at an increased efficiency, accuracy... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Design and Implementation of a computerized market survey report system. This project is based on the possible exploration of computer Technology in Today society in market surveying in the daily discharge of duties. This project involves the design and development of computerized market survey report analysist. The design will enable the... Continue Reading